These handcrafted, delicate, all-natural gemstone necklaces serve as vessels for your attars, perfume or essential oil. Easily carry your signature scent with you at all times when you need to reapply or create a sacred aroma healing space for yourself.
Having your favorite scent can help you deal with stress better, increase your confidence, enhance your mood together with your overall well-being, make you calmer, and trigger some beautiful memories.
Our crystal necklace options are as follows:
AMAZONITE: primarily associated with filtering out stresses, and recovering from traumas.
MALACHITE: bringing ease during times of change and gives the insight needed for personal growth
LAPIS LAZULI: promotes self-awareness, and self-acceptance, and inspires honesty with oneself and others.
TIGER'S EYE: known as a stone of good fortune, it brings joy, happiness, abundance, and good health.
RED JASPER: neutralizes negative energies and is used to overcome any form of disorganization.
ROSE QUARTZ: the stone of universal love, capable of strengthening all sorts of relationships (including one with oneself).
BLUE GOLDSTONE: replaces negative vibrations it encounters with more positive ones. Great for those who tend to think negatively.
GOLDSTONE: stone of ambition, goldstone is thought to assist in attaining goals.
TURQUOISE: balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilising mood swings and instilling inner calm
Necklaces come with 22" chain, dropper and essential oil bottle opener.
Disclaimer on Crystals:
Crystal healing and other types of energy work are not to be considered as a substitute for traditional medical treatment.
If you have a serious health issue, consult with your doctor.
Just because a crystal or stone is alleged to have one or more healing properties, either physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, it does not mean that you, personally, will definitely experience, or benefit from, any such properties.
Any information you receive, whether orally, in written form or electronically, relating to crystals and stones purchased from Cream & Coco Skincare should be received and understood in the above context.